The Best Way Change Sabre Segment Status Code

Change Sabre Segment Status Code: When there is a change to the segment, the airline will send an advice to Sabre. The affected segment will be updated with the Reply Code.

For example, when a waitlisted segment is confirmed, the segment code will be reflected as “KL”. You should inform the passenger accordingly and then update the affected segment with correct status code. Without a reply from airline, you should not make any changes to the segment.

Change Sabre Segment Status Code

You may follow the steps stipulated below.

Step 1: Retrieve the PNR or work on the PNR in the queue.
Following is the sample of PNR:

Step 2: Advise the passenger.

Step 3: Received from

Entry: 6 ALAN

Step 4: update the segment status code.


  • .1HK – Change segment 1 status to HK
  • .4HK – Change segment 4 status to HK
  • Or .1/4HK – Change segment 1 and 4 to HK
  • X5 – Cancel segment 5
  • OR EWR

Step 5: end transaction

Entry: E

Change Sabre Segment Status Code

Segment Status CodeExplanationAgent’s action
KKCarrier confirmed the request..1HK
UUUnable to confirm, has been waitlisted..2HL
UCUnable to confirm or waitlist.X3
TKSchedule change for confirmed segment..2HK
SCSchedule change for confirmed segment- applicable for AA (American Airlines) only..1HK
USUnable to accept sale has been waitlisted..6HL
HXSegment was cancelled by carrier.X3
NONo action was taken on the segment.
Some airlines use NO to inform that a specific segment has been cancelled in the airline system.
UNUnable, flight not operating.X5
KLConfirmed from waitlist..4HK
TLOA Schedule change for waitlisted segment..2HL
HXSegment was cancelled by carrier.X3
UNUnable, flight not operating.X1

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