The Best Way to check Sabre PNR History – Sabre History Commands

Sabre PNR History: Learn how to check Sabre PNR history and gain valuable insights into managing your travel records efficiently. Explore the steps, FAQs, and expert tips in this comprehensive guide.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to Check Sabre PNR History.” If you’re a frequent traveler, knowing how to access your Passenger Name Record (PNR) history can be a game-changer. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of checking your Sabre PNR history, providing you with expert insights, tips, and answers to common questions.

Sabre PNR History Command

Every PNR created in the system established history. This history reflects action codes to easily determine the type of modification an agent has made.

PNR history also reflects the signature line which composes of Travel Agency Pseudo City Code, the initial of the travel consultant as per in Sign In code, the time and the date the PNR was modified. Also, a Received from Field is needed to track who authorized the changes and this will also be reflected as part of a PNR History.

To display PNR History


Sample Response:

Sabre PNR History Action Code

XSCancelled segment
ASAdded segment
SCSchedule changed segment
X9Cancelled Phone item
A9Added Phone item
XNCancelled Name Item
ANAdded Name Item
X7Cancelled Ticketing Field
A7Added Ticketing Field
R-Entered Received From
A3OAdded OSI item
X3OCancelled OSI item
A3SAdded SSR item
X3SCancelled SSR item
M3SModified SSR item
X3S*Cancelled SSR item after cancelling the itinerary
where this SSR is attached.

More PNR History Codes are found on Format Finder pnrov340.

Sabre PNR History Display Commands

Sabre PNR History Display EntriesDescription
*HDisplay all PNR History
*HIDisplay history for All Segments Types
(Air, Cars, Hotels, etc)
*HIADisplay history for Air Segments Only
*HIHDisplay history for Hotel Segments Only
*H9Display history for Phone fields
*HNDisplay history for Name Fields
*H3ODisplay history for OSI fields
*H3SDisplay history for SSR fields
*H-ADisplay history for All Added-in Fields / Items
*H-XDisplay history for All Cancelled Fields / Items
*H-MDisplay history for All Modified Fields / Items
*HN*HIA*H9Combination Display of Name, Air Segment & Phone

In conclusion, knowing how to check your Sabre PNR history is an invaluable skill for travelers. It helps you stay organized, plan better, and make the most of your travel experiences. With easy access to your past reservations, you’ll be well-prepared for your next adventure.

Remember to check your Sabre PNR history regularly, and if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sabre’s customer support for assistance.

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