How to add Phone Field in Sabre PNR – Sabre Phone Field

Add Phone Field in Sabre PNR: Learn how to seamlessly add a phone field to your Sabre Passenger Name Record (PNR) with our comprehensive guide. Elevate your expertise and efficiency with this step-by-step tutorial.

In today’s fast-paced world, ensuring efficient communication is vital, especially in the travel industry. Sabre’s Passenger Name Record (PNR) system is a crucial tool for travel professionals, and having a phone field within it can significantly enhance your ability to coordinate and communicate with travelers.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to add a phone field to your Sabre PNR. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to streamline your workflow and provide top-notch service to your clients.

How to add Phone Field in Sabre PNR

This field should reflect the Travel Agency Name, Telephone Number and Travel Consultant’s Name. It is important that the Travel Agency phone number is the first information to reflect on this PNR Field.

The number 9 is the function identifier used.

Agency Phone Field in Sabre PNR


9Function Identifier
62200011Sample Travel Agency Phone Number
ATS TRAVELSample Travel Agency Name
LINDASample Travel Consultant’s Name
-ATo inform the airline that this is a Travel Agency Contact Information

Display Phone Field in Sabre


System Response:

“SIN” is a Travel Agency location that system automatically inserts into the phone field.

Passenger Phone Field in Sabre

9 65433456 MR EUGENE POH-BBusiness Contact
9 68750987 MS ERICA CHUA-HResidence Contact

When the PNR has been authorized for another travel agency for ticketing (i.e. when wholesale Ticketing Function is done, for more details refer to Wholesale Ticketing Function Topic), the other agency’s consultants would be able to view all of the phone fields, including the passenger’s contact in the Phone Field (if present). Thus, it is not advisable that the client’s contact information is added to Phone Field especially when a Travel Agency endorses a PNR to another Travel Agency for issuance of ticket.


In the world of travel management, ensuring efficient and effective communication is paramount. Adding a phone field to your Sabre PNR is a simple yet invaluable step towards providing top-notch service and enhancing your workflow. Whether it’s for improved customer service, streamlined operations, or handling emergency situations, this feature is a must-have for travel professionals.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effortlessly incorporate a phone field into your Sabre PNR. Elevate your expertise, boost your efficiency, and provide seamless travel experiences for your clients. Get started today and see the positive impact it has on your travel management.

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