How to Cancel Sabre PNR – Sabre Itinerary Modification

Cancel Sabre PNR: Discover the power of Cancel Sabre PNR in transforming your travel plans. Explore how to optimize your itineraries and make the most of your journey with Sabre.

Learn how to cancel your Sabre Passenger Name Record (PNR) effortlessly. Our expert guide provides step-by-step instructions and answers to frequently asked questions for a seamless experience.

How to Cancel Sabre PNR

Sabre PNRs can be a lifesaver for travelers, but sometimes, plans change. Knowing how to cancel a Sabre PNR is a valuable skill for any globetrotter. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of canceling your Sabre PNR, addressing common concerns, and providing insights from our personal experiences. Let’s get started!


An existing itinerary can be modified either by the airline or by the travel consultant. When an itinerary has been modified by the airline, it is important that the travel consultant identifies whether the PNR was taken over or localized by the airline system. If so, the travel consultant must be aware that any further changes or modification to the localized itinerary will not be generated to the airline.

Sample Itinerary Field:

Scenario 1: Cancel a specific segment.


XFunction identifier
1Itinerary segment number 1, SQ flight 219

For segment 3, use


X1–6Will cancel itinerary from segment 1 to 6
X1/6Will cancel itinerary segment 1 and 6 only
XIWill cancel all itinerary segments in the PNR
X3/5/7Will cancel segments 3, 5 and 7
X4/6-8Will cancel segments 4 and from 6 to 8

When flight segment is cancelled, an insert mode automatically exists.

For example, if flight segment 2 is cancelled, the system will response “NXT REPLACES 2” and the next flight segment sold will automatically be inserted in the number 2 position, system automatically renumbers the segment accordingly.

X2¥0020JANWill cancel itinerary segment 2 only and book same flight, class with different date. Segment number and date field varies according to modification requirement whereas the remainder of the command is constant (i.e. Xα¥00ddmmm, where α is the segment and ddmmm is the new date.)
WCAYWill change all flight segments to Y class
WC1EWill change segment 1 to E class
WC1E/2BWill change segment 1 to E class and segment
2 to B class
,2Increases / Decreases number of seats in itinerary to 2 seats for all segments.
(This entry can only be done before first End
Transaction and all segments must be showing
same number of seats throughout.)
,4S1Increases / Decreases number of seats in itinerary to 4 seats for segment 1.
(This entry can only be done before first End
,3S2-4Increases / Decreases number of seats in itinerary to 3 seats for segments 2 – 4.
(This entry can only be done before first End

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